Take control of your numbers

“Business is a game. If you can’t read the scoreboard you don’t know the score. If you don’t know the score you cant tell the winners from the losers”

Warren Buffet

Take Control of Your Numbers

Understanding business finance and financial information is crucial. However, many business owners find it difficult to prepare, present and interpret financial information. Hence they shy away from the ‘figures’ and abstain from effective financial planning. Many delegate this function to others and are blissfully ignorant for most of the year on how well their business is really doing. We all know what the results can be from doing that way!

Content includes:

• How to understand and prepare financial information
• The cash gap and how to close it
• Constructing a dashboard that works
• The difference between profit and cash
• Beliefs about money
• How to derive your profit mix

What you will gain

Tools and templates to help you take control
Strategies required to increase your cash flow
Confidence when talking to banks and other lenders
How to make a whole lot more money
Understand where your profit is coming from
Be able to talk ‘The Language of Business’

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